
Monday, 31 August 2015



v  0.5 kg minced meat
v  1 onion
v  ½ garlic
v  6 eggs
v  100 g breadcrumbs
v  ½ cup oil
v  ½ cup mineral water
v  ½ teaspoon baking powder
v  salt
v  pepper


Finely chop onion and garlic and mix with the minced meat. Add 2 eggs, breadcrumbs, oil, mineral water, baking powder, salt and pepper. Stir well to obtain a smooth mass.
Boil 4 eggs. They should be hard-boiled eggs. Peel them. Stretch the meat and arrange boiled eggs on it lengthwise. Make a roll and place it in a greased baking pan. Sprinkle the roll with some oil and cover the baking pan with aluminium foil. Bake it in the oven, previously preheated to 200 degrees C. First bake with the aluminium foil for 20min., then remove it and bake it until it becomes brown. From time to time, pour the juice from the meat over the roll to moisturize it.

After you have finished baking, let it cool down for a few minutes and then cut it into slices. Serve while warm. 



v  0,5 kg mlevenog mesa
v  1 glavica crnog luka
v  pola glavice belog luka
v  6 jaja
v  100 g prezli
v  pola šoljice ulja
v  pola šoljice kisele vode
v  pola kašičice praška za pecivo
v  so
v  biber


U meso staviti sitno iseckani crni i beli luk, dodati 2 jajeta, prezle, ulje, kiselu vodu, prašak za pecivo, posoliti  pobiberiti. Dobro izmešati da se dobije glatka masa.

Obariti 4 jajeta da budu tvrdo kuvana i oljuštiti. Rastanjiti meso, pa poređati jaja preko i uviti u rolat. Staviti na nauljen pleh i premazati rolat uljem. Peći u rerni 20min. prvo pod aluminijumskom folijom a onda otkriti i peći dok ne porumeni. S vremena na vreme prelivati sokom koje meso pusti. 

Saturday, 29 August 2015



v  21 tablespoons sugar
v  21 tablespoons milk
v  26 tablespoons all-purpose flour
v  2 tablespoons baking powder
v  2 tablespoons vanilla sugar
v  3 eggs
v  6 tablespoons oil


Preheat the oven to 200 degrees C. Combine all the ingredients above and pour into a greased baking pan. Bake until it becomes brown. To check if the cake is baked insert a toothpick into it and if it comes out clean it is baked. Leave it to cool down.


v  ½ l milk
v  200 g sugar
v  1 tablespoon cocoa powder
v  100 g dark chocolate
v  ¾ butter

Boil the milk and add butter, sugar, cocoa and chocolate. Lower the temperature and mix until all the ingredients melt.

Previously cooled base cut into medium squares. Dip these squares into the warm filling and immediately after that into the coconut powder. (The filling should be cooled down a little but not too much so that the squares could absorb it better).

Arrange the cakes onto the serving plate and leave them in the fridge for a while to cool down before serving. 


Recept moje komšinice Ivane


v  21 kašika šećera
v  21 kašika mleka
v  26 kašika brašna
v  2 praška za pecivo
v  2 vanilin šećera
v  3 jajeta
v  6 kašika ulja


Izmešati prethodne sastojke i ispeći patišpanj, u podmazanoj tepsiji na temperaturi od 200 stepeni C.


v  ½ l mleka
v  200 g šećera
v  1 kašika kakaoa
v  100 g čokolade za kuvanje
v  ¾ margarina

Uzavreti mleko i dodati margarin, šećer, kakao i čokoladu. Na tihoj vatri rastopiti smesu.

Ohlađen patišpanj iseći na kocke i svaku kocku uvaljati prvo u topao fil pa onda u kokos. (Fil treba malo rashladiti ali ne previše jer mora da bude topao da bi ga patišpanj bolje upio).

Ređati kocke na tacnu za posluženje i držati malo u frižideru pre služenja, da se rashlade. 

Friday, 28 August 2015



v  ready-made pie crusts
v  2 medium pieces of Cheddar cheese
v  3 eggs
v  some oil
v  some salt
v  250 ml yogurt


In a bowl, mix 3 eggs, 2 pieces of Cheddar cheese, some salt, some oil and 250 ml of yogurt. Grease a baking pan and start arranging the pie crusts. First sprinkle the crust with some oil then put it in the pan. Line up three crusts in that way, each of them sprinkled with oil, then spread some filling on every third crust. Continue in this way until you have spent all the crusts. After you have arranged them all, cut the pie with a knife into big squares, but be careful not to cut them all the way to the bottom because the filling will pour out into the pan. Sprinkle the pie with some oil and put it in the oven preheated to 250 degrees Celsius. When it becomes brown lower the temperature of the oven to 150 degrees and check occasionally with the toothpick if the pie is baked. Stick the toothpick into the pie and if it comes out clean then the pie is baked, but if it doesn`t leave the pie in the oven for a little while, always the colour, and if it is necessary lower the heat to 100 degrees Celsius to make sure the pie doesn`t get burned. 



v  gotove kore za pitu
v  2 srednje felije sira
v  3 jajeta
v  malo ulja
v  malo soli
v  jogurt


U posudi izmešati 3 jajeta, 2 felije sira, malo soli, malo ulja i jedna čaša jogurta. Podmazati pleh za pečenje i ređati kore. Svaku poprskati sa malo ulja i staviti u pleh, svaku treću koru premazati filom. Kada ste poređali sve kore u pleh isecite nožem pažljivo pitu na veće kocke, ali ne do kraja da ne bi fil iscureo u pleh. Poprskajte pitu odozgo uljem i pecite u rerni prethodno zagrejanoj na 250 stepeni. Kada pita porumeni smanjiti temperaturu na 150 stepeni. Povremeno proveravati da li je pita pečena uz pomoć čačkalice. Ako ništa ne ostane na čačkalici kada je izvučete iz pita onda je ona pečena. 



v  2 medium pieces of Cheddar cheese
v  2 eggs
v  1 dl oil
v  2.5 dl milk
v  some salt
v  1 tablespoon baking powder
v  ready-made pie crusts


In a bowl smash two pieces of cheese, add 2 eggs and combine well. Then add 1dl oil and 2.5 dl milk, some salt and a tablespoon of baking powder. Grease a baking dish and cover the bottom with one crust, spread some filling on it, then take crusts one by one, smash them in your hand first, then soak each of them in the filling and arrange them in the baking pan. When the pan is filled with crusts, fold the edges of the bottom crust, (which were sticking outside the pan), over the arranged crusts and spread the remaining filling. Take the last crust and cover the whole pie with it, tuck its edges in the pan. Sprinkle the last crust with some water and put the pie in the preheated oven to bake. 



v  2 felije sira
v  2 jajeta
v  1dl ulja
v  2,5 dl mleka
v  malo soli
v  1 prašak za pecivo
v  gotove kore za pitu


Izgnječiti dve felije sira, dodati 2 jajeta i dobro izmešati. Zatim dodati 1 dl ulja, 2,5 dl mleka, malo soli i jedan prašak za pecivo. Podmazati tepsiju i obložiti je jednom korom koja se poprska pripremljenim filom. zatim uzimati jednu po jednu koru, gužvati ih u ruci, umakati u fil i ređati u tepsiju. Kad je tepsija ispunjena, ivice donje kore, (koje su bile izvan tepsije), preklopiti preko naređanih kora i premazati preostalim filom. Uzeti još jednu koru i njome pokriti celu pitu, a njene ivice podvući uz ivice tepsije. Poslednju koru poprskati vodom i staviti pitu u zagrejanu rernu da se peče. 

Wednesday, 26 August 2015


St. John`s Wort is a plant that has always been used for medical purposes. It is a perennial and can grow up to 1m in height. Its flowers are bright yellow and are harvested in May and June. For the treatment use leaves and flowers.

This plant has a pronounced antibacterial effect and is used as a natural antiseptic.

St. John`s wort oil has a wide spectrum of activities and is commonly used for external use against sunburn, fresh wounds, muscle injuries, contusions and tissue for treating pimples, boils and swelling. This oil is very useful as for skin care, especially for dry and damaged skin and provides excellent protection from the sun and radiation.

For internal use, St. John`s Wort oil is used in abdominal pain, colic, inflammatory bowel diseases, uncontrolled urination and excessive mucus in the lungs (catarrh), for the treatment of liver, kidney, bladder and spleen, and intestinal parasites. It is effective for the treatment of inflammation of the ovaries in women and all rheumatic diseases. In combination with other herbs, it is an excellent remedy for colds. coughs and asthma. In recent years, cantarion is becoming a popular tool in the fight against depression. Therefore, folk medicine says that this plant is a cure for all diseases.

If you want to use this oil for internal treatment it is better to use olive oil instead of sunflower oil while preparing it.

St. John`s Wort is also used in cooking and as a seasoning for food, but also for soothing and relaxing massage. Its oil is an excellent tool for a massage with ischemia (lumbago), the pain caused by gout and rheumatism, sprains and back pain.

It is recommended to take 30 drops of St. John`s Wort oil, three times a day, for pain in the stomach and for calming nerves. For external usage, spread oil on infected areas on the skin or keep it as a compress.

How to prepare your own natural St. John`s Wort oil:

v  St. John`s Wort flowers
v  sunflower or olive oil



Separate only flowers from the stalks and put them in a 750 ml glass jar. Pour the oil to the top of the jar and leave it in the sun for 40 days. Occasionally, slowly shake the jar and after 40 days filter the oil. Keep it in the fridge.


Kantarion je biljka koja se od davnina koristila u medicinske svrhe. To je višegodišnja biljka i može da poraste u visinu do 1m. Njegovi cvetovi su svetlo žute boje i bere se u maju i junu. Za lečenje se koristi lišće i cveće.

Ova biljka ima izraženo antibakterijsko dejstvo i koristi se kao prirodni antiseptik.

Ulje kantariona ima širok spektar delovanja a najčešće se koristi za spoljnu upotrebu protiv opekotina, svežih rana, povreda mišića, nagnječenja tkiva i za lečenja bubuljica, čireva i otoka,. Ovo ulje je veoma dobro kao sredstvo za negu kože, naročito kod suve i ispucale kože, a pruža i odličnu zaštitu od sunca i zračenja.

Za unutrašnju upotrebu, kantarionovo ulje se koristi kod bolova u stomaku, kolika, upale creva, nekontrolisanog mokrenja i prekomerne sluzi u plućima (katar), za lečenja jetre, bubrega, bešike i slezine, kao i crevnih parazita. Odlično je i kod zapaljenja jajnika i svih reumatskih oboljenja. U kombinaciji sa drugim lekovitim biljem odličan je lek za prehlade, kašalj i astmu. U poslednjih nekoliko godina kantarion postaje popularno sredstvo u borbi protiv depresije. Zato narodna medicina kaže da je ova biljka lek za sve bolesti.

Ukoliko želite da ovo ulje koristite i za unutrašnju upotrebu onda je bolje umesto suncokretovog ulja sipati maslinovo ulje prilikom pravljenja ulja.

Kantarion se takođe koristi u kuvanju, kao začin, al ii za umirujuće i opuštajuće masaže. Njegovo ulje je odlično sredstvo za masažu kod krstobolje (lumbago), kod bolova izazvanih gihtom i reumatizmom, iščašenja i bolova u leđima.

Preporučuje se da se uzima 30 kapi kantarionovog ulja, tri puta dnevno, za bolove u stomaku i smirivanje nerava. Za spoljnu upotrebu, namazati uljem inficirana mesta na koži ili držati obloge od ulja.

Kako pripremiti prirodno kantarionovo ulje kod kuće:


v  cvetovi kantariona
v  suncokretovo ili maslinovo ulje


Od strukova odvojiti samo cvetove kantarona i staviti u teglu od 750ml. Naliti uljem do vrha i teglu ostaviti da stoji na suncu 40 dana. Povremeno okretati teglu da se promeša tečnost.

Nakon 40 dana procediti kantarionovo ulje i čuvati u frižideru.