
Friday, 30 January 2015



- 5 eggs with
- 5 tbsp sugar
- some baking powder
- 2 l milk

Cherry cream:

- 1/2-kilo cherries, strawberries or any wild berries
- 20 tbsp sugar
- 2 packets of vanilla pudding powder
- 2 packets of whipped cream powder


Preheat the oven to 150 degrees C.
Beat 5 eggs, first beat egg whites with 5 tablespoons of sugar then add 5 egg yolks. Add 5 tablespoons of flour and a little baking powder. Stir slowly with a wooden spoon to combine the ingredients. Pour the mixture into the baking pan previously greased and floured. Bake in the preheated oven for 15min. or until it becomes light brown. To check if it is baked insert a toothpick into it and if the toothpick comes out dry then the cake is baked.
Soak the cake with 1/2 l of cold sweetened milk. Put aside until it cools down.

Preparation of cherry cream:

Boil 1/2 kilo of cherries or strawberries or any wild berries that you like with 3 cups of water and 20 tablespoons of sugar. Boil it for 10 min. Open 2 packets of vanilla pudding powder and pour their contents into the bowl. Add some water and stir until it becomes creamy. Pour this mixture into the boiling water with cherries and cook for 7 min. or until it thickens. Put it aside to cool down.

When the cream cools down spread it over the baked cake.
Open 2 packets of whipped cream powder and pour the content into the bowl. Add some water (there are instructions on the packet of how much water you should pour). Whip the cream and spread it over the cake. Put it into the fridge for 2 hours and cut it into the squares when you serve the guests.

The cake in the photo is made with strawberries, not cherries, but the original recipe is the one with cherries. When you make the cake with strawberries you should put less sugar, for example instead of 20 tablespoons put 15 tablespoons of sugar because strawberries are sweet while cherries are sour and they need more sugar.

KOLAČ SA VIŠNJAMA (Jagodama ili bilo kojim šumskim voćem)

Potreban materijal:

- 5  jaja
- 5 kašika šećera
- malo praška za pecivo
- 1/2 l mleka


- 1/2 kg višanja ili jagoda ili bilo kog šumskog voća
- 20 kašika šećera
- 2 pudinga od vanile
- 2 šlaga


Umutiti 5 jaja, posebno belanca sa 5 kašika šećera, dodati 5 kašika brašna i malo praška za pecivo. Kad se ispeče preliti sa 1/2 l zaslađenog mleka. Patišpanj traba da bude hladan a mleko vrelo ili obrnuto, ako je patišpanj vruć onda ga preliti hladnim mlekom. Ostaviti sa strane da upije mleko.

Priprema krema:

1/2 kg višanja kuvati u 3 čaše vode, 10 min.. Dodati 20 kašika šećera. Od tog šećera odvojiti nekoliko kašika i umutiti zajedno sa 2 pudinga od vanile. Višnjama dodati puding i kuvati dok se ne zgusne.
Umutiti 2 šlaga i premazati kolač.


Ovaj kolač sa slike sam napravila sa jagodama ali vi možete staviti bilo koje šumsko voće umesto višanja ili jagoda. Takođe, umesto šlaga koristila sam šlag kremu pa mi je zato premaz žute boje. Šlag krema je gušća od običnog šlaga pa je zato radije koristim za kolače.

Tuesday, 20 January 2015



- 310 g sugar
- 200 g walnuts
- 10 eggs
- 2 tsp semolina flour
- 2 tsp crumbled biscuits Plazma


- 3 to 4 eggs (depending on their size)
- 200 g sugar
- 3 bars dark chocolate
- 200 g butter


Melt 150 g of sugar on low heat until it turns golden brown (as explained in the recipe for the Drum cake). Immediately after that put 200 g of ground walnuts and combine it well with sugar. Place it on a baking sheet greased with oil. Leave this to cool down and then grind it using the machine for grinding the walnuts.
Beat 10 egg whites with 160 g of sugar, adding the sugar gradually 1 tablespoon after another while beating the egg whites. Beat until the whites become thick and firm.
In another bowl beat 10 egg yolks, add 2 tablespoons of semolina flour and 2 tablespoons of crumbled biscuits Plazma.
Previously ground grilijash (made of melted sugar and ground walnuts) stir well and combine it with whipped egg whites. Stir well with a wooden spoon. Divide this mixture into 4 parts and bake each layer separately on low heat util it turns yellow. Leave the baked layers to cool down before putting a filling over them.


Beat 3 to 4 eggs with 200 g of sugar. Boil some water into a large container and over that container put the smaller vessel with beaten eggs so that the bottom of the vessel dips into the water of the larger container. Cook the eggs over the steam stirring occasionally until they thicken. Add 3 bars of dark chocolate to melt into the eggs. Stir well with the wooden spoon.  Put the vessel with the eggs and chocolate aside to cool down. When it cools down add 200 g of butter and mix it well to combine.
Use this filling to put over each layer. Finish with ground chocolate on top of the cake. 

Thursday, 15 January 2015



- 1 tablespoon of fat or margarine
- 1 egg
- 2 cups of milk
- half a teaspoon of baking soda
- 100g of sugar
- half a kilo of flour


Combine all the ingredients and knead the dough with your hands until it forms a smooth ball. Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface and divide it into 16 or 20 balls. Stretch each ball to the size of the pan number 26 and bake it on the back side of the pan.
Tip: it would be best to stretch the dough to the size of the pan number 26 but bake it on the back side of the pan number 28.


- 2 liters of milk with  12 tablespoons of sugar
- 6 egg yolks with 6 tablespoons of sugar
- 6 tablespoons of flour
- 1 margarine
- 100g of powdered sugar

Preparation of filling:

Boil 2 l of milk with 12tsp of sugar. Whisk 6 egg yolks with 6 tsp of sugar and add 6 tsp of flour. Mix this to combine and add a little milk to make it smooth. Pour this mixture into the boiling milk. Cook over low heat for 10min. until the mixture thickens.  Remove from the heat and leave it to cool down. After that add 1 margarine that we prevously beat with 100g of powdered sugar.

Spread the filling over each cake layer and cover the cake with whipped cream.

Wednesday, 7 January 2015



- 8 eggs
- 150g of sugar
- 200g of flour
- and 4 tablespoons of sugar


- 6 eggs
- 250g of butter
- 4 to 5 bars of chocolate for cooking


- 24 tablespoons of sugar
- a little butter


Whisk 8 egg yolks with 150g of sugar. Add 200g of flour and gently stir with a spoon. In a separate vessel beat 8 egg whites gradually adding 4 tablespoons of sugar and beating for another 10min. Mix this with egg yolks to combine and stir gently. Bake 8 to 9 layers from this mixture. Turn the baking pan upside down and bake the cake layers on a greased surface of the pan lined with a circle of baking parchment. 
Filling - beat 300g of sugar with 6 egg yolks, add 250g of butter and beat until light and fluffy. Finally, melt 4 to 5 bars of chocolate for cooking and add it to the previous mixture. 
Spread the filling over each cake layer and top the last layer with melted sugar.
How to prepare melted sugar: melt 24tbsp of sugar on low heat. We don`t want the icing to crack after cutting so we add just a little bit of butter after the sugar is melted. Mix it well. 
Top this icing quickly over the warm cake and use the warm knife to mark the pieces on the icing so that the cake can be easily cut after it cools down.

Sunday, 4 January 2015



- 1/2 l mleka
- šećer
- kvasac
- 7 jogurtskih čaša brašna
- 2 kašičice soli
- 2 šoljice zejtina
- jaje
- margarin
- susam


U 1/2 l mleka staviti jedno parče kvasca sa malo šećera da nadođe (ja odvojim od 1/2 l malo mleka za jednu šolju i tu stavim kvasac sa malo šećera i obavezno jednom kašikom brašna, pa onda kad nadođe sjedinim sa ostatkom mleka). Kad nadođe staviti sve u vanglu i dodati 2 šoljice zejtina, 2 kašičice soli, šaku šećera i 7 jogurtskih časa brašna. Zamesiti testo i po potrebi dodati još malo brašna da se lepo umesi ali voditi računa da testo ne bude tvrdo. Ostaviti na toplom mestu da odstoji 1 sat.
Nakon toga premesiti testo i razvući koru do debljine jedne polovine prsta (meni su slađe kada ih razvučem što više, tako budu hrskave a ne hlebaste kada se ispeku). 

Vaditi testo čašom za vodu i ređati pogačice u podmazani pleh. 

Ostatak testa, nakon što izvadite čašom pogačice, premesiti i ponovo razvući pa vaditi čašom  i sve tako redom dok se ne potroši sve testo.

Ostaviti da naraste 1 sat. Premazati jajetom (neko premazuje samo žumancetom ali ja koristim celo jaje). Odozgo posuti susamom. Preko svake staviti parče margarina i peći na 200 stepeni. 




- 1 kašika masti (ili margarina)
- 1 jaje
- 2 šoljice mleka
- pola kašičice sode bikarbone
- 100gr šećera
- pola kg brašna


Sve to umesiti pa onda testo podeliti na 16 do 20 loptica. Razvući korice do veličine tepsije 26 i peći na okrenutoj tepsiji. 
Savet: korice razvući do veličine tepsije 26 ali peći na okrenutoj tepsiji 28.

Materijal za fil:

- 2 l mleka
- 12 kašika šećera
- 6 žumanca
- 6 kašika šećera
- 6 kašika brašna
- 1 margarin
- 100gr šećera u prahu

Priprema fila: 

2 l mleka staviti da provri sa 12 kašika šećera.  Na drugoj strani umutiti 6 žumanca sa 6 kašika šećera 6 kašika brašna, dodati i malo mleka da smesa može lepo  da se umuti. Ovu smesu sipati u kipuće mleko.  Kuvati na tihoj vatri 10ak minuta dok se masa ne zgusne. Skloniti sa vatre i kad se prohladi dodati jedan margarin koji smo prethodno umutili sa 100gr šećera u prahu.

Friday, 2 January 2015



- white corn flour
- cheese


Boil 1 liter of water and then reduce the heat on the stove. Put 10 tablespoons of white corn flour into the boiling water one by one, constantly stirring. Don`t worry if the flour is a little lumpy; lumps will be broken down in cooking. Just stir constantly while cooking for 10 min. After 10 min. remove from heat. Pour oil into the baking pan and put it on the stove. Take polenta with the spoon and put it on the warm oil into the baking pan: line up the lumps of polenta one next to another into the baking pan. Repeat this until you have taken all the polenta from the pot and put it into the pan. Reduce the heat before doing this because you don`t want to burn the polenta. Once you have lined polenta in a baking dish grate some cheese over it. Use a wooden spoon to tap gently over the grated cheese to melt it partially. Remove it from the heat and serve with sour milk or sauerkraut with cayenne pepper over it.
This is a perfect breakfast for a cold winter morning, light and tasty.

Bon appétit