
Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Skoro sam pročitala negde na internetu o ovom napitku koji topi kilograme i to bez ikakvog dodatnog napora. Odlučila sam da ga isprobam i vidim da li deluje. Međutim, bila sam zapanjena rezultatima ali ne onakvim kakve sam očekivala i to odmah nakon prvog dana upotrebe. Naime, kada sam počela da koristim ovaj napitak rešila sam se neugodne i dosadne gorušice koja me je mučila mesecima i koje nisam mogla da se oslobodim ni uz upotrebu lekova. Nastavila sam da pijem ovaj napitak svakog dana najviše zbog toga što sam želela da izgubim kilograme ali sam istovremeno pratila da li će mi se gorušica ponovo vratiti i NIJE SE VRATILA!
Ovaj napitak sam uzimala samo ujutru na prazan stomak ali ću ga od sada konzumirati tri puta dnevno pre svakog jela da bih što brže smršala.


  • 2 supene kašike sirćeta od jabuke 
  • 2 supene kašike limunovog soka
  • 1 kašičica cimeta
  • pola kašičice aleve paprike
  • šećer ili med


Napunite čašu vodom i dodajte 2 supene kašike sirćeta od jabuke, 2 supene kašike limunovog soka, 1 kašičicu cimeta i pola kašičice aleve paprike (ili možda i manje, na vrh kašičice, da ne bi napitak bio gorak). Promešajte dobro i dodajte šećer ili domaći med kao zaslađivač. Pijte pre jela, ujutru na prazan stomak i pre svakog obroka. 
Ovo je napitak koji topi masne naslage i pomaže čišćenje organizma od toksina ali je meni pomogao i da se oslobodim gorušice. 

Olakšava probleme kod artritisa i reumatizma

Limun je diuretik i pomaže u proizvodnji urina koji olakšava zapaljenske procese potpomažući izbacivanje toksina i bakterija iz organizma i na taj način pruža olakšanje i smanjuje probleme kod artritisa i reumatizma. 

Protiv starenja

Limunov sok smanjuje proizvodnju slobodnih radikala koji su odgovorni za starenje i oštećenja kože. Limunov sok je antioksidans i ne sadrži kalorije.

Protiv infekcija

Limunov sok je koristan za infekcije u grlu zahvaljujući svom antibakterijskom dejstvu. Ako vam ne pomogne grgotanje slane vode pokušajte sa sokom od limete pomešanim sa vodom.

Čisti krv 

Vrlo često jedemo brzu hranu ili hranu koja sadrži aditive i veštačke boje. To dovodi do stvaranja toksina i slobodnih radikala u našem organizmu. Međutim redovnom upotrebom limunovog soka možemo da očistimo krv i organizam od toksina i na taj način sačuvamo zdravlje.

Čisti lice

Nakapljite limunov sok na mitisere kako biste ih izvukli u toku dana. Takođe možete oprati lice limunovim sokom koji služi kao prirodni čistać lica. Nakon nekoliko dana upotrebe ovog tretmana vaša koža će biti čistija.  Limunov sok se takođe koristi za hlađenje kože i ublažavanje crvenila.

Očistite i izbelite svoje nokte

Možete biti sam svoj manikir sa ovim tretmanom. Dodajte sok od polovine limuna u jednu šoljicu tople vodei umočite vrhove prstiju u ovu tečnost, držite 5 min. Nakon što povučete zanoktice istrljajte korom limuna svoje nokte. Bićete oduševljeni rezultatom.

Ublažite alergiju od otrovnog bršljana 

Ukoliko dođete u kontakt sa otrovnim bršljanom, a na našim područjima je to kopriva, možete ublažiti alergiju i neprijatno peckanje tako što ćete nakapati limunov sok direktno na iritirano područje. 

Za dezinfekciju posekotina i ogrebotina

Zaustavite krvarenje i dezinfikujte manje posekotine i ogrebotine tako što ćete nakapati nekoliko kapi limunovog soka direktno na oštećeno područje. Možete takođe nakapati limunov sok na malo vate pa onda vatu staviti na posekotinu ili ogrebotinu i držati nekoliko minuta.

THAT MAGIC LEMON! What can it do for us? Treat Arthritis and Rheumatism, Soothe Poison Ivy Rash, Disinfect Cuts and Scrapes, Clean and Whiten Nails and much more

Treating Arthritis and Rheumatism

Lemon is a diuretic - assists in the production of urine which helps you to reduce inflammation by flushing out toxins and bacteria while also giving you relief from arthritis and rheumatism.


Lemon water reduces the production of free radicals which are responsible for aging skin and skin damage. Lemon water is calorie free and is an antioxidant.

Treat Infections

Lemon water can fight throat infections thanks to its antibacterial property. If salt water does not work for you, try lime and water for gargling.

Purges The Blood

We consume a lot of junk food or food with a lot of preservatives and artificial flavours. This builds up a lot of toxins in the blood and body but daily consumption of lemon water helps to purify the blood.

Cleanse Your Face

Zap zits naturally by dabbing lemon juice on blackheads to draw them out during the day. You can also wash your face with lemon juice for a natural cleanse and exfoliation. Your skin should improve after several days of treatment. Lemon water is also a cooling agent, best way to beat the heat. 

Clean and Whiten Nails

Pamper your hands without a manicurist. Add the juice of 1/2 lemon to 1 cup warm water and soak your fingertips in the mixture for 5 minutes. After pushing back the cuticles , rub some lemon peel back and forth against the nail.

Soothe Poison Ivy Rash

You won`t need an ocean of calamine lotion the next time poison ivy comes a-creeping. Just apply lemon juice directly to the affected area to soothe itching and alleviate the rash.

Disinfect Cuts and Scrapes

Stop bleeding and disinfect minor cuts and scraps by pouring a few drops of lemon juice directly on the cut. You can also apply the juice with a cotton ball and hold firmly in place for one minute.


Monday, 23 March 2015


I have recently read somewhere on the net about this drink which burns fat and helps you lose weight without any effort at all. I decided to try it and see the results. However, I was amazed at some other results that were obvious right from the start! When I started drinking it I resolved my biggest problem that I have had for months and tried to lessen with some pharmaceutical drugs. Even the first day I didn`t have heartburn anymore. I continued drinking the mixture every day mainly because I wanted to lose weight but this time I paid more attention to the heartburn that I have had for such a long time and it DIDN`T COME BACK!
I drank this mixture only in the morning on an empty stomach but now I will do it three times a day before every meal in order to lose weight even faster.


  • 2 tbs apple cider vinegar
  • 2 tbs lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • half a teaspoon or even less cayenne pepper
  • sugar or honey

Fill the glass with water and add 2 tablespoons of cider vinegar, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon and half a teaspoon of cayenne pepper ( I put even less than half a teaspoon because it will not melt in the water easily). Stir the mixture well with a spoon and add a teaspoon of sugar or preferably homemade honey to sweeten it. Drink it before meal, you can drink it three times a day before meal or before bed. It detoxicates the body and burns fat, but it can help you with heartburn if you have this problem. It certainly helped me!

Sunday, 22 March 2015

8 Ways You’re Probably Showering Wrong

8 Ways You’re Probably Showering Wrong
Dermatologists reveal the most common showering mistakes you might not even know you’re making. Here, smart moves for a cleaner and healthier shower.
By Alyssa Jung

You scrub your scalp with your fingernails

A good scalp scrub can feel refreshing, but you’re actually doing more harm than good if you use your fingernails. “Your fingernails can scratch the scalp and even cause flaking,” says Sandy Johnson, MD, of Johnson Dermatology in Fort Smith, Arkansas. Instead, use your fingertips to work up a lather. It’s also important to avoid aggressively rubbing strands of hair between your hands, which can damage it and cause split ends, she says. 

Your soap doesn't contain any moisturizer

“Bar soap without any moisturizing agent, like many antibacterial deodorant soaps, can really dry out your skin,” says Mona Gohara, MD, of Advanced Dermcare in Danbury, Connecticut. Look for bars with stearic acid in the ingredient list or “moisturizing” advertised below the name, says Dr. Gohara. (She uses Dove White Beauty Bar). 

Your shower is too hot and too long

Nobody’s asking you to take a cold shower in the middle of winter, but don’t take a scalding hot one, either. “Showers, especially in winter, are way too hot and long. This strips your skin of natural oils and lipids that help trap water to keep it moist,” says Dr. Gohara. 

You don't condition your scalp

Most people concentrate on spreading conditioner throughout the body of their hair. But Dr. Johnson advises conditioning the entire length of the hair, from root to tip. The conditioner hydrates the skin of your scalp, which helps prevent itchiness and flaking. 

You scrub your body during washing
“People are too aggressive with loofahs and wash cloths,” says Dr. Gohara. “Loofahs are terrible for scrubbing because they’re rough and can remove the skin's natural protective barrier.” She recommends a cotton baby washcloth; gently glide it over skin with minimal rubbing. Dr. Johnson says to use just your own hand is good enough but urges people who must use a loofah or cloth to switch it out for a clean one regularly to avoid bacteria build-up. 

Your razor has too many blades

 A four- or five-blade razor might give a close shave, but it can also damage your skin. "You actually cut into your skin when you shave, so the more blades you use, the worse off you are," says Dr. Gohara. "To minimize trauma, a simple one- or two-blade razor is ideal." Technique matters too. Dr. Gohara says to make sure to move the razor down and away from you, not up. Shaving up means you’re going against the grain, which makes you likelier to cut yourself. It also inflames the hair follicle, causing razor bumps. Be sure the area is well lubricated with soap or shaving cream for the smoothest and safest shave. 

You don't rinse well enough

It’s important to make sure all soap and hair products are completely rinsed off, Dr. Johnson says; lingering product can lead to skin irritation and clogged pores, which can cause acne. Prevent “bacne” (pimples on your back) by rinsing your hair with your head tilted to the side, allowing the shampoo and conditioner to run right into the drain and not down your back.

You wait to apply lotion

The best time to moisturize is as soon as you finish patting dry when your skin is still damp. “Make use of the ambient heat from the shower and humidity in the bathroom and put on a moisturizer within minutes,” says Dr. Gohara. “Lotion soaks into skin best when it’s a little damp.”


Saturday, 21 March 2015

OVERSALTED SOUP - What to do to save it

It happened to each of us at least once if not more - to oversalt the soup. What can be done in that case? 

  • 1. If you don`t have enough time to cook another soup use this little trick to save the existing one. Add a raw, peeled potato to the pot. The starch will absorb much of the salt. Discard the potato after 15 to 20 minutes. Serve the soup.
  • 2. You can also use another trick. Put 250 g of flour or rice into a clean cloth. Insert the cloth into the boiling soup for a minute or two. Flour or rice will absorb much of the salt and your soup is saved.

SOME TRICKS TO LOSE WEIGHT FAST - Use the colour blue to eat less

If you use these tricks you will certainly lose weight without much effort:

Have you ever seen any restaurant or drive-in decorated in blue? Of course not because the colour blue serves as an appetite suppressant. On the other hand, red, yellow and orange encourage eating which is why most kitchens in people`s houses are decorated with these colours. If you want to eat less and therefore lose weight serve up dinner on blue plates, dress in blue while you eat and cover your table with a blue tablecloth. 

Your can also put a blue light in your refrigerator to help avoid late night cravings.
Explanation why this works:

The colour blue is calming and is believed to create chemicals in the body that are soothing and slow down human metabolism. Researchers say that blue suppresses the appetite because it is rarely found in nature as food and thus we don`t have an automatic appetite response to it. 
Fruit that we believe to be blue such as blueberries are actually purple. 

Sip water frequently while you are eating, talk with your partner, eat slowly and make pauses between bites. These pauses will tell your brain that you are no longer in need of food. 

Clean and minty freshness of your mouth will be a signal to your body and brain that mealtime is over and that you don`t feel the need for food anymore.



Friday, 20 March 2015

Recipes from Grandma`s kitchen : SOME USES OF LEMON THAT WILL BLOW YOUR MIND

Recipes from Grandma`s kitchen : SOME USES OF LEMON THAT WILL BLOW YOUR MIND: We are all familiar with the benefits of using a lemon as it is rich with vitamin C and helps us fight viruses and cold. However, a lemon h...


We are all familiar with the benefits of using a lemon as it is rich with vitamin C and helps us fight viruses and cold. However, a lemon has other uses too and after reading some of these suggestions you will probably rush to buy a kilo or two. 

1. Keep insects and roaches away from your house

If you want to get rid of roaches or keep away fleas from your house and your pet mix the juice of 4 lemons (along with the rinds) with 2 liters of water and wash your floors with it. Fleas and roaches will flee because they hate the smell of the lemon and your house will be clean and your pet grateful.

2. Prevents Kidney Stones

Regular consumption of lemonade or lemon juice mixed with water can increase the production of urinary citrate, a chemical in the urine that prevents the formation of crystals that may build up into kidney stones.

3. Mental Health

Lemon can relieve stress and depression. Just squeeze one or two lemons and make yourself a lemonade with a spoon of honey instead of sugar or you can squeeze some lemon into the glass of water and drink it every day. The results will be felt immediately.

4. Wash your Fruit and Vegetables

When you buy fruit and vegetables on the market you never know if they have been treated with pesticides or not. So use lemon juice to make sure you clean them of all the dirt and pesticides they may have. Pour some water into the bowl and squeeze out one tablespoon of lemon juice, mix it with water and leave your fruit or vegetables into the water for 10 min. Wash them thoroughly and they are ready to be eaten.

Thursday, 19 March 2015


Pastry Base

·         14oz / 350g plain flour
·         6oz / 150g butter
·         1 tablespoon caster sugar
·         a pinch of salt
·         a little cold water


·         28oz / 700g Bramley apples
·         juice of 1/2 lemon
·         3oz / 75g sultanas
·         3oz / 75g soft brown sugar
·         pinch each of ground cinnamon and ground nutmeg
·         grated rind of 1 lemon and 1 orange
·         1 tablespoon flour


Peel and core your apples and slice them thickly. Dribble with a little lemon juice to stop them from turning brown.
Pre-heat your oven to 200°C / 400°F / gas mark 6.
To make the pastry base sift the flour and salt into a bowl. Add the butter and rub in until the mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs.
Mix in the sugar.
Splash mixture with cold water and bring together to form a smooth dough. Roll out two-thirds of dough and line your pie dish.
Place half the apples into the lined pie dish.
Mix sultanas with spices and pour over the apples.
Add the remaining half of apples.
Roll out the last third of pastry. Dampen the edges of the pastry in the pie plate and cover pie with the last piece of pastry. Press edges together to seal, then trim and flute the edge.
Decorate the top of the pie with pastry trimmings.
Cut slashes in the top of the pie or make a hole and insert a pie funnel. (This is important! It lets the steam escape during cooking and ensures that your pastry is lovely and crumbly.)
Place pie in the oven and bake for 10 minutes.
Then lower oven temperature to 190°C / 375°F / gas mark 5 and bake for a further 20-25 minutes. Your pie is ready when the pastry is golden brown.
Remove from the oven and sprinkle with coarse sugar before serving.

Taken from

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Basic Tomato Sauce Recipe


v  2 Tbsp olive oil
v  1/2 medium onion, finely chopped
v  1 small carrot or 1/2 large carrot, finely chopped
v  1 small stalk of celery, including the green tops, finely chopped
v  2 Tbsp chopped fresh parsley
v  1 clove garlic, minced
v  1/2 teaspoon dried basil or 2 Tbsp chopped fresh basil
v  1 28 oz. can whole tomatoes, including the juice, or 1 3/4 pound of fresh tomatoes, peeled, seeded, and chopped
v  1 teaspoon tomato paste
v  Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste


1 Heat olive oil in a large wide skillet on medium heat. Add the chopped onion, carrot, celery and parsley. Stir to coat. Reduce the heat to low, cover the skillet and cook for 15 to 20 minutes, stirring occasionally until the vegetables are softened and cooked through.

2 Remove cover and add the minced garlic. Increase the heat to medium high. Cook garlic for 30 seconds. Add the tomatoes, including the juice and shred them with your fingers if you are using canned whole tomatoes. Add the tomato paste and the basil. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Bring  to a low simmer, reduce the heat to low and cook uncovered until thickened, about 15min. If you want uou can push the sauce through a food mill or blend it with an immersion blender to give it a smooth consistency.

Read more:

Quick Bolognese Sauce Recipe


Ø  2 tablespoons butter
Ø  1 1/4 (570g) lbs ground chuck
Ø  1/2 cup (60g) finely chopped onion
Ø  1/2 cup (60g) finely chopped celery
Ø  1/2 cup (60g) finely chopped carrot
Ø  2 Tbsp tomato paste
Ø  1/2 cup (118ml) full bodied red wine (optional)
Ø  1 cup (236ml) whole milk (or low-fat milk with a tablespoon of cream)
Ø  1 cup (236ml) crushed tomatoes
Ø  Salt and pepper to taste


1 Heat butter in a large sauté pan on medium high. Add the finely chopped onion, celery, and carrots. Sprinkle a little salt over everything. Cook, stirring occasionally, until golden, about 5 minutes. Add the tomato paste and stir to combine, cook for another minute or so.
2 Add the ground beef to the onions, celery, and carrots, breaking up the meat with a wooden spoon as you add it to the pan. Again, sprinkle a little salt over everything. Cook, stirring occasionally until cooked through, about 15 minutes.
3 Stir in the wine (if using), scraping up any browned bits from the bottom of the pan. Let this boil down by half. Stir in the tomatoes. Slowly stir in the milk. Increase the heat to bring the mixture to a simmer, then lower the heat to maintain a low simmer. Simmer uncovered about 20 minutes. Add a little water if the sauce ever begins to dry out. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Read more:

Bolognese Meat Sauce Recipe


Ø  2 oz. Diced pancetta, finely chopped
Ø  1 Medium Spanish onion or yellow onion, finely chopped
Ø  1 Stalk celery, finely chopped
Ø  1 Carrot, finely chopped
Ø  3 Tbsp unsalted butter
Ø  11 oz Ground beef
Ø  4 oz Ground pork
Ø  4 oz Ground Italian sausage
Ø  1 freshly ground clove
Ø  Dash of freshly ground cinnamon
Ø  1 tsp freshly ground black pepper
Ø  2 lb peeled and chopped tomatoes (or 1 28-oz can whole peeled tomatoes, packed in water)
Ø  1 cup whole milk
Ø  1/2 teaspoon sea salt


1 Make the soffritto. Combine pancetta, onion, celery and carrot in saute pan with butter and cook over medium heat until onion turns pale gold.
2 Add the beef, pork, sausage to the soffritto, and increase the heat to high; cook until browned. Sprinkle with the clove, cinnamon, and pepper.
3 Stir in tomatoes, bring to a simmer and reduce the heat to medium. Cook over medium heat for 15 minutes. If you are using whole canned tomatoes, break them up as you add them to the sauce.
4 Add milk and season with sea salt. Then turn down the heat and simmer for 2 and 1/2 hours. Stir at least every 20 minutes. Whenever the sauce gets too dry and starts sticking to the pan, just add 1/4 cup of water and scrape up any browned bits from the bottom of the pan.
Can easily freeze for future use.
Serve with pasta

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