
Wednesday, 23 September 2015



·         3 kašičice zaslađenog kakao praha ili čokoladnog napitka
·         3 šolje hladnog mleka (250ml)
·         4 kugle sladoleda od čokolade
·         2 višnje
·         šlag


Sipajte mleko u blender, dodajte kakao i miksirajte nekoliko sekundi dok se ne sjedine. (Takođe možete ubaciti čokoladni napitak umesto kakao praha.) Dodajte sladoled u izmiksiranu masu u blenderu  i nastavite sa miksiranjem dok masa ne bude glatka i bez grudvica od sladoleda. Sipajte u čaše za serviranje i ukrasite šlagom i višnjama, po želji.
Ako želite da vam milkšejk ima više ukus čokolade onda povećajte količinu kakao praha na 4 kašičice.

Možete napraviti varijaciju tako što ćete umesto sladoleda od čokolade staviti sladoled od vanile. 


Šta vas može bolje osvežiti u toplim, letnjim danima od dobrog i hladnog milkšejka. Takođe možete napraviti različite vrste milkšejkova, različitih ukusa, kombinujući razne vrste voća ili jednostavno pustite mašti na volju i napravite jedinstveni šejk.


·         1 šolja sladoleda od vanile (250ml)
·         ¾ šolje hladnog mleka
·         ¼ kašičice ekstrakta od vanile
·         1 kašičica šećera
·         šlag krema (po želji, nije obavezna)
·         čokoladne mrvice za posipanje odozgo (nije obavezno)


U blenderu izmiksajte sladoled, mleko, ekstrakt od vanile i šećer. (Ukoliko ne možete naći ekstrakt od vanile ili ga nemate u kući, nije obavezan jer će i bez njega milkšejk biti ukusan). Izmiksajte smesu da bude glatka i kremasta. Sipajte u čaše za služenje. Odozgo stavite umućeni šlag i pospite čokoladnim mrvicama.

Ukoliko želite gušći milkšejk, stavite ½ šolje mleka i 1 šolju sladoleda. 



·         3 tablespoons sweetened cocoa powder or chocolate drink mix
·         3 cups (250m.) cold milk
·         4 scoops chocolate ice cream
·         2 cherries
·         whipped cream


Pour cold milk in a blender jar. Add cocoa powder in it and blend for a few seconds until both ingredients are mixed well. (You can also use chocolate drink mix as a replacement of sweetened cocoa powder). Add chocolate ice cream and blend it again until the mixture becomes smooth and there are no lumps of ice cream. Pour it in a serving glass and garnish with whipped cream and cherry before serving.
If you want your milkshake to be more chocolaty, increase the quantity of cocoa powder to 4 tablespoons.
You can also use vanilla ice cream instead of chocolate ice cream for variation.

The source:


What can refresh you most in hot summer days than a good and cold milkshake? You can also make varieties of milkshakes with a lot of different tastes, combining  in it various fruit and just let your imagination do the work.


·         1 cup vanilla ice cream (250ml)
·         ¾ cup cold milk
·         ¼ teaspoon vanilla extract
·         1 tablespoon sugar
·         whipped cream (optional)
·         chocolate vermicelli (chocolate sprinkles), optional


Mix together vanilla ice cream, milk, vanilla extract and sugar in a blender. (If vanilla extract is not available then don`t worry, milkshake prepared without using vanilla extract also gives a good taste).
Blend until smooth and creamy. Pour milkshake in a serving glass. Top with whipped cream and sprinkle chocolate vermicelli over it.

If you want to make a thicker milkshake use ½ cup of milk and 1 cup of ice cream.

The source:

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

NAJBOLJI KOLAČ NA SVETU sa bananom i kokosom


v  10 i po kašika maslaca, ostaviti da omekša da bi mogao da se umuti
v  1 šoljica šećera plus 2/3 šoljice odvojeno
v  1 plus 1/3 belog brašna (170gr)
v  1 kašičica praška za pecivo
v  1kašičica cimeta
v  ½ kašičice mlevenog kardamona
v  1 prstohvat soli
v  5 velikih jaja, odvojiti žumanca od belanca
v  1/3 šoljice punomasnog mleka
v  1/3 do ½ nezaslađenih kokos pahuljica
v  1 šoljica milerama
v  1 vanila
v  1 do 2 banane, isečene


Zagrejte rernu na 180 stepeni C i postavite rešetku u sredinu. Obložite pleh 22x40cm pergament papirom, tako da papir viri i preko stranica pleha. Umutite margarin sa 2/3 šoljice šećera dok ne bude kremast, mutite oko 3 min. Dok mutite, smanjite brzinu na mikseru i dodajte polako brašno, prašak za pecivo, začine i so; dobro promešajte. Umešajte u smesu i žumanca i mleko i dobro sjediniti. Zatim preručite smesu u pripremljeni pleh.
U drugoj posudi umutiti mikserom belanca sa 1 šoljom šećera dok u čvrst sneg, probajte da li su belanca umućena tako što ćete okrenuti činiju naopačke, ukoliko belanca stoje čvrsto onda su umućena. Ovu smesu izručiti preko prethodne mase koju smo sipali u pleh i peći 25min. ili dok sloj sa belancetom ne bude zlatno smeđ; takođe će sloj sa belanacetom da se podigne malo pa pazite da ne izgori. Nakon 15 min. sipajte preko testa kokosove pahuljice, tako one neće izgoreti i prilepiće se za još vlažan sloj belanceta.

Izvadite tortu iz rerne i ostavite da se ohladi u tom plehu. U međuvremenu napravite šlag. Sipajte mileram u činiju i dodajte vanilu. Mutite mikserom oko 3min. Pažljivo izručite ohlađen kolač na tacnu za služenje i isecite na pola, unakrst, koristeći nazubljeni nož. Jednu polovinu premazati kremom i kriškama banane. Drugu polovinu staviti preko prve tako da sloj sa belancetom bude na vrhu. Stavite kolač u frižider da se hladi i omekša. Nakon sat vremena možete poslužiti kolač

WORLD`S BEST CAKE with banana and coconut

After I have seen this recipe on I couldn`t resist but to record it on my blog and share it with my audience. It looks so yummy and easy to make, with, literally, the ingredients that almost all of us have in their home, at least I do. The author of this recipe is Sarah Jampel, although, as she confesses herself, she has taken the recipe from another site ( I am looking forward to trying it as soon as possible.


v  10 ½ tablespoons (1 stick plus 2 ½ tablespoons) unsalted butter, softened
v  1 2/3 cups sugar, divided
v  1 1/3 cups (170 grams) all-purpose flour
v  1 teaspoon baking powder
v  1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
v  ½ teaspoon ground cardamom
v  1 pinch salt
v  5 large eggs, separated
v  1/3 cup whole milk
v  1/3 to ½ cups unsweetened coconut flakes
v  1 cup heavy cream
v  1 vanilla bean
v  1 to 2 bananas, sliced


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F and place a rack in the middle. Line a 9-by 13-inch baking pan with parchment paper, allowing some to drape over the sides of the pan. In a large bowl, using a handheld electric mixer, or in the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, beat the butter and 2/3 cup of the sugar until light and creamy, for about 3 minutes. Working on low speed, add the flour, baking powder, spices and salt; mix well. Mix in the egg yolks and the milk until combined, then scrape the batter into the prepared pan. Clean and thoroughly dry the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the whisk attachment. Pour in the egg whites, making sure there are no specks of yolk, add the remaining 1 cup of sugar. Beat to soft peaks – be patient, it will happen. If the egg whites aren`t reaching soft peaks, wait until the mixture ribbons back onto itself. Spread this carefully on top of the cake layer.
Bake for 25 minutes, or until the meringue is golden brown and puffed. About 15 minutes through baking, cover the meringue with coconut flakes (this way, the coconut can adhere to the still-damp meringue, but it will not burn in the oven).
Cool the cake in the pan on a wire rack. Meanwhile, make the whipped cream. Pour the cream into a medium bowl and scrape in the vanilla seeds, discarding the pod. Beat to soft peaks with an electric mixer, for about 3 minutes. Carefully transfer the cool cake to a cutting board. Cut the cake in half crosswise with a serrated knife. Place on half of the cake on your serving tray of choice and cover with the cream and bananas slices. Place the other half, meringue side up, on top. Place the cake in the refrigerator to chill and soften for 1 hour before serving.

Sunday, 13 September 2015



v  ready-made crusts
v  1 kg grated apples
v  a few tablespoons of sugar
v  some oil
v  one tablespoon vanilla sugar
v  walnuts


Mix grated apples with sugar, oil, vanilla sugar and walnuts. Put this filling on the crusts. Take 4 ready-made crusts and place them one on top of the other. Apply the filling on each crust. Fold a little edges on both sides of the crust (about 1 cm), so that the filling doesn`t leak and roll the crusts together into a roll. Make the rolls of all the ready-made crusts and then arrange all the rolls in a greased baking pan. Sprinkle them with a mixture of water and some oil. Bake at 200 degrees C.
When the pie is baked, cut it and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

I made an apple pie with half that amount and I put 2 ready-made crusts instead of 4 because I like my pie to be crunchier.



v  gotove kore
v  1kg rendanih jabuka
v  nekoliko kašika šećera
v  malo ulja
v  vanilin šećer
v  orasi


Izmešati rendane jabuke sa šećerom, uljem, vanilinim šećerom i orasima. Ovom smesom filovati kore. Ređati po 4 gotove kore jednu preko druge i na svaku koru namazati fil. Malo presaviti ivice (oko 1cm), da fil ne bi iscureo i uviti kore u rolat. Ovakve rolate ređati u podmazan pleh i porprskati ih sa malo vode i ulja.
Kad se pita ispeče, iseći je i posuti šećerom u prahu.

Moja pita je pravljena sa duplo manjom merom i dve kore umesto četiri zato što ja volim hrskaviju pitu. 

Sunday, 6 September 2015



v  ½ ready-made pie crusts
v  200 g coconut
v  1 tablespoon baking powder
v  1 tablespoon vanilla sugar
v  150 ml oil
v  300 ml yogurt


v  4 glasses of water
v  3 glasses of sugar


Divide the crusts into 4 piles. In a bowl, mix coconut, baking powder, vanilla sugar, oil and yogurt. Stir well and spread on the crusts. Take one pile of the crusts and coat each crust with the filling, arranging coated crusts one on top of another. When you have finished with coating them wrap them into a roll. Take another pile of the crusts and do the same, coat each crust, arrange one crust on top of another, make a roll out of them. Repeat the process with every pile until you have used all four piles.
Place the four rolls, one next to each other, in a greased baking pan, cut the pie into medium cubes but only half way and bake. When the upper crust browns the cake is ready or you can check it with a toothpick. If the toothpick comes out of the cake clean the cake is baked but if it isn`t clean then lower the heat and leave the cake in the oven for a few more minutes.
After the pie has been baked, boil 4 glasses of water with 3 glasses of sugar and pour it over the hot pie. Leave the pie to cool down before serving. 



v  ½ kg gotovih kora za pitu
v  200 g kokosa
v  prašak za pecivo
v  vanilin šećer
v  150 ml ulja
v  300 ml jogurta


v  4 čaše vode
v  3 čaše šećera


Kore podeliti na četiri kupa. Pomešati u činiji kokos, prašak za pecivo, vanilin šećer, ulje i jogurt. Dobro promešati i mazati kore. Uzeti jedan kup kora i premazivati fil preko svake kore, ređajući ih jednu preko druge. Kada ste završili sa premazivanjem kora umotajte ih u rolat. Zati uzeti drugi kup i isto raditi sa njim, premazati svaku koru i onda umotati u rolat sve kore zajedno. Ponoviti sa svakim kupom i na kraju ćete dobiti četiri kupa.
Staviti ta četiri kupa jedan do drugog u pomašćen pleh, zaseći pitu do pola i peći. Kada gornja kora porumeni kolač je gotov a možete i proveriti čačkalicom. Ukoliko je čačkalica čista kada je izvadite iz kolača onda je on pečen, ali ako na njoj ima tragova onda smanjite vatru i ostavite kolač još malo u rerni da se dopeče.
Kada je pita pečena, prokuvati 4 čaše vode sa 3 čaše šećera i dok je vruće preliti vruću pitu time. Ostaviti da se ohladi pre služenja. 

Wednesday, 2 September 2015



v  3 eggs
v  150 g butter
v  100 g powdered sugar
v  150 g chopped biscuits
v  150 g ground walnuts
v  150 g chopped jelly candies
v  150 g finely chopped chocolate
v  1 sheet wafers
v  apricot jam


Heat the butter, add the eggs, previously beaten with powdered sugar, boil this mass for 3 min. Remove from the heat. Add biscuits, walnuts and jelly candies and when it cools down a bit add the chocolate. Cut along 6 stripes from the wafer and apply some apricot jam on them in the following way: apply half of the filling on one stripe and cover it with two other stripes to make a roof. Do the same with the other half of the filling, apply it on one stripe and cover it with two other in the shape of the roof.

Leave the cake in the fridge to cool down for a longer time and after that cut it into triangles thick as fingers.