
Friday, 6 February 2015



- 800 g white flour
- half a bottle of beer
- 1 baking powder
- 100 g sesame seeds
- 2 tsp salt


Put 800 g of white flour into a bowl, add half a bottle of beer, 1 packet of baking powder, 2 teaspoons of salt and 100 g of sesame seeds. Knead the dough until it becomes smooth and elastic, if necessary add a little bit of flour but not too much because you don`t want the dough to be too hard. Divide the dough into small balls. Roll each ball into a little stick. Line up several sticks on the previously heated toaster and press. You should often check to see if they are baked, it depends on the temperature of your toaster. Generally it doesn`t need more than several to 10 min for them to be baked.
Enjoy your snacks!

Wednesday, 4 February 2015



- 1/2 l milk
- handful of sugar
- some yeast
- 7 mugs of flour
- 2 teaspoon salt
- 2 cups of oil
- 1 egg
- some margarine
- sesame


Before I begin with the recipe I must say that I use coffee cups and milk mugs of 250 ml as a measurement for this dough.

Take one cup of milk out of 1/2 l and pour it into a mug. Put a piece of yeast, teaspoon of sugar and tablespoon of white flour. Leave the mug somewhere warm, but not too hot, for about 20 min. or until the yeast rises.
When it rises, put it into the bowl with the rest of the milk, add 2 cups of oil, 2 teaspoons of salt, a handful of sugar and 7 mugs of flour. Knead the dough and if necessary add some more flour but be careful not to make the dough too hard. After kneading it into a smooth and elastic dough cover it and leave it somewhere warm, but not too hot, until it doubles in size.
When the dough has risen enough turn it out onto a lightly floured surface and kneed again until smooth and elastic, Stretch the dough to the width of 1 finger.
Take out the dough with a glass or a mug, as in the photo.

After you have taken out all the burns, knead the rest of the dough again, stretch it and take out the burns with the glass or the mug. Repeat the process until you have used all the dough.

Place the burns onto the greased and floured baking pan, as in the photo. Allow them to rise for an hour.

Coat the burns with an egg yolk (I use the whole egg for coating not only the yolk). Sprinkle with sesame seeds and put a piece of margarine on top of each one, as shown in the photo.
Bake at 200 degrees C until they become brown.


- 1/2 l mleka

- šećer
- kvasac
- 7 jogurtskih čaša brašna
- 2 kašičice soli
- 2 šoljice zejtina
- jaje
- margarin
- susam


U 1/2 l mleka staviti jedno parče kvasca sa malo šećera da nadođe (ja odvojim od 1/2 l malo mleka za jednu šolju i tu stavim kvasac sa malo šećera i obavezno jednom kašikom brašna, pa onda kad nadođe sjedinim sa ostatkom mleka). Kad nadođe staviti sve u vanglu i dodati 2 šoljice zejtina, 2 kašičice soli, šaku šećera i 7 jogurtskih časa brašna. Zamesiti testo i po potrebi dodati još malo brašna da se lepo umesi ali voditi računa da testo ne bude tvrdo. Ostaviti na toplom mestu da odstoji 1 sat.

Nakon toga premesiti testo i razvući koru do debljine jedne polovine prsta (meni su slađe kada ih razvučem što više, tako budu hrskave a ne hlebaste kada se ispeku). 

Vaditi testo čašom za vodu i ređati pogačice u podmazani pleh. 

Ostatak testa, nakon što izvadite čašom pogačice, premesiti i ponovo razvući pa vaditi čašom  i sve tako redom dok se ne potroši sve testo.

Ostaviti da naraste 1 sat. Premazati jajetom (neko premazuje samo žumancetom ali ja koristim celo jaje). Odozgo posuti susamom. Preko svake staviti parče margarina i peći na 200 stepeni. 

Monday, 2 February 2015



- 250 ml yogurt
- baking powder
- teaspoon salt
- flour


- ham (salami)
- a few diced pickles
- diced cheese
- oregano


Preheat the oven to 150 degrees C.
Pour 250 ml of yogurt, 1 packet of baking powder, teaspoon of salt and as much flour as you  need to get smooth dough, similar to the one for bread. Knead the dough until it becomes smooth and non sticky. Put it aside for 10 min. After that divide the dough into small balls and stretch each ball with a rolling pin. Make a small dent in the middle of each stretched ball with a finger and fill it with diced ham or salami, pickles, cheese and oregano. Put some tomato sauce over the filling and finish with grated cheese.
Bake until the dough becomes light brown. To check if it is baked insert a toothpick into the dough and if it comes out clean it is baked.



- 2 čaše jogurta od 250ml
- 1 prašak za pecivo
- kašičica soli
- brašno po potrebi


- šunka (salama)
- nekoliko kiselih krastavčića
- sir iseckan na kockice
- origano
- marinirani ili sveži šampinjoni


Sipati 2 čaše jogurta od 250ml, 1 prašak za pecivo, 1 kašičicu soli i brašno po potrebi. Umesiti testo slično kao testo za pogaču. Ostaviti da odstoji 10min da malo nadodje. Od tog testa odvajati loptice i razvući oklagijom Napraviti malo udubljenje na sredini i u to udubljenje stavljati nadev (šunku iseckanu na kockice, sir iseckan na kockice, nekoliko kiselih krastavčića iseckanih na kockice i origano, takođe i marinirane ili sveže šampinjone iseckane sitnije). Preko nadeva možete staviti malo kečapa ili ajvara, po ukusu. Preko svega toga ja narendam i malo kačkavalja.