
Saturday, 5 December 2015



v 500g minced meat (I use beef meat)
v 2 medium sized onions
v 2-3 cloves garlic
v 2 bunches of fresh mangold or some fresh spinach in the desired quantity
v 1 cup rice
v 2 eggs
v 1 cup milk
v salt
v pepper


Finely chop the onion and fry it in a saucepan. Add the minced meat and combine it well. When the meat is cooked add the rice that you previously washed and stir well. Pour some water and cook until you wash the mangold or spinach, for about 15 minutes. Chop the mangold or spinach and add it to the meat. Stir well and add some water if necessary. Add the finely chopped garlic. Cook everything until the mangold or spinach softens. Then add salt and pepper, pour the mixture into the baking dish. If the water has evaporated, add some and place the dish in an oven preheated at 200 degrees C until it gets brown.
Whisk 2 eggs in a bowl and add 1 cup of milk. Pour this mixture over the meat (djuvec) and put it back into the oven. When it gets brown remove it from the oven and serve with sour cream or sour milk.



v 500g mlevenog mesa (ja koristim čisto juneće mleveno)
v 2 srednje glavice crnog luka
v 2 – 3 čena belog luka
v 2 veze blitve ili spanać po želji
v 1 šoljica pirinča
v 2 jaja
v 1 šolja mleka
v so
v biber


Sitno iseckati crni luk i propržiti u šerpi. Kada se uprži, dodati mleveno meso i pržiti sa lukom. Kada je uprženo mleveno meso dodati očišćen i opran pirinač i sve zajedno umešati. Doliti malo vode i dinstati dok operete blitvu ili spanać, otprilike 15-ak minuta. Blitvu ili spanać iseckati i dodati mesu. Promešati i doliti još malo vode ako je potrebno. Dodati i sitno iseckan beli luk. Sve zajedno dinstati na ringli dok ne omekne blitva ili spanać, posoliti, pobiberiti. Prebaciti smesu u tepsiju, ako je voda mnogo isparila doliti samo malo da smesa ogrezne u vodi i staviti u prethodno zagrejanu rernu na 200 stepeni C, da se zapeče.

Umutiti 2 jaja u činiji i dodati 1 šolju mleka. Tom smesom preliti musaku i vratiti ponovo u rernu. Kada se zapeče izvaditi iz rerne i poslužiti sa pavlakom ili kiselim mlekom.